How to Network Successfully - CWEVT - Virtual

07-19-2024 12:00 PM - 07-19-2024 1:00 PM

This virtual presentation is 35-40 minutes long, followed by a Q & A session to answer specific questions. Attendees are welcome to set up a subsequent complimentary consultation to receive additional information after the presentation.

Networking is one of the most effective ways to secure new clients, create valuable connections, and collaborate with industry partners. Covered in this presentation are the steps you can utilize immediately to show up confidently at your next networking event and get the results you want. In this presentation, you'll learn how to create a plan for the event, techniques to cultivate connections, referrals and to grow your business through networking, including:

  • Introducing yourself to gain interest
  • How to start a conversation with other attendees
  • Working the room effectively
  • Best practices on following up after each event

About Your Facilitator: Ronda Berns is the principal and founder of Ronda Berns Sales Consulting and Coaching, LLC. She has been in sales management for over 30 years. She served as Vice President of Tourism for the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, the Executive Director for the Vermont Convention Bureau, National Sales Manager for Destination Hotels, and a Director of Sales and Marketing for Starwood Hotels & Resorts and the Hilton Hotel Corporation.

More information and registration may be found here.

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How to Network Successfully - CWEVT - Virtual
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